There are a few things that affect architects decisions and I would like to touch on those things in order to help potential clients get the most from their architect. Continue reading “Architect’s Dilemma”
[theory] Architectural Design Process
Self-Help: The process of Architectural Design and what it entails…
Exaggerated Architecture, is it Responsible?
There are a lot of amazing looking images of buildings out there in the world, shell structures, large glass structures, open spacious plans, but are they really legitimate? While they might look cool, I’m frankly surprised by the attention they get because typically I can see through the smoke and realize how just inappropriate they are. Why? Continue reading “Exaggerated Architecture, is it Responsible?”
[web] New Blog & Forum for the New York Society of Renderers
Just finished creating a new WordPress blog for the New York Society of Renderers, Inc. with the help of a theme which features a Mingle Forum module that should be useful to members over the coming years. Continue reading “[web] New Blog & Forum for the New York Society of Renderers”
Ideas for an Ideal Subway Station
Let’s make the world a better place to live in, one twig at a time.
Both inbound and outbound passengers should stand on the same platform, one, in the center and not two with tracks separating them. Why? Continue reading “Ideas for an Ideal Subway Station”
[theory] Miscellaneous recommendations for SimpleTwig
RECOMMENDATION 1: SimpleTwig Architecture
It was the story of Chicken Little and the sky was truly falling. Papers to get the job going had not been filed by the people who told me” not to worry”, and we had to sign a surrender agreement to vacate our current rental. Continue reading “[theory] Miscellaneous recommendations for SimpleTwig”
Imagine a Resort
Winter is approaching, what better time than to imagine a resort.
Concept: Merging a centralized building type with a decentralized building type, our project will romantically merge itself with the landscape to create a idealistic setting for a relaxed and up-lifting experience.
Broadway goes Green: New Victory Theater
New Victory Theater: Planning of exterior and interior spaces by Nicholas Buccalo. Primary Architect: HHPA. Continue reading “Broadway goes Green: New Victory Theater”
How to influence positive change: Gowanas Canal
What a single individual can do…
The city of New York held a competition in 1990 asking people for suggestions on how to improve the city. I entered it submitting my suggestion for returning water flow to the Gowanas Canal which was stagnate for decades, this to repair the bridge between Park Slope and Carroll Gardens in order to take advantage of this special waterway as a place for nature, people and development. Continue reading “How to influence positive change: Gowanas Canal”
Bicycle Safety Program Expands Into Brooklyn
Restaurant Delivery Bikers Targeted in New Effort
CARROLL GARDENS — Stuart Gruskin, 50, of New Jersey, was killed in May 2009 when he crossed the street on his lunch hour and a delivery biker speeding the wrong way in Midtown Manhattan knocked into him. Stuart suffered major head injuries and died two days later. Continue reading “Bicycle Safety Program Expands Into Brooklyn”