Exterior Atrium: Besides the banners, each wire figure surrounding the auditorium takes on the shape of a traditional bread stove…
Continue reading “[architecture] Afghan Cultural Centre 13/24”
every nest starts with a simple twig…
Exterior Atrium: Besides the banners, each wire figure surrounding the auditorium takes on the shape of a traditional bread stove…
Continue reading “[architecture] Afghan Cultural Centre 13/24”
Multi-purpose Performance Hall: Our goal is to make a structure that can accommodate a variety of performance types for the Bamiyan River Valley…
Continue reading “[architecture] Afghan Cultural Centre 12/24”
The Sculpture: besides being a symbol for this cultural center and of these people, physically having two connotations… Continue reading “[architecture] Afghan Cultural Centre 6/24”
Color: We take the natural dull ochre color of the surrounding mountains and local built structures and enhance it by saturating this color into a golden braised surface… Continue reading “[architecture] Afghan Cultural Centre 5/24”